Rational Beauty

Terri Timely

Synesthesia is a neurologically-based condition when one sensory stimulus triggers a different kind of sensation like seeing colors and shapes when you hear music or like smelling one thing when tasting another. What does a blueberry sound like?

This short film titled Synesthesia is directed by Bay Area Ian Kibbey and Corey Creasey whose moniker is Terri Timely. The two met whilst studying at Berkeley and have made over 25 videos to date. Synesthesia is a personal project. The short depicts an asian family during which each member of the family experience a different aspect of the condition.

The set design and wardrobe was influenced by the architecture and interior design of Ho Chi Minh City’s Reunification Palace (Vietnam).


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Terri Timely is the collaboration of two people, Corey Creasey and Ian Kibbey. Both reside in Oakland, California.

Synthesia’s set design and wardrobe was influenced by the architecture and interior design of Ho Chi Minh City’s Reunification Palace (Vietnam).