Rational Beauty


Estelle Hanania

A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of meeting French photographer Estelle Hanania. We were fascinated by the stories she chooses to tell with her pictures. One series called the “Demoniac Babble” captures a yearly pagan ritual in Switzerland where a group of men roam from farm to farm, singing and drinking in celebration for winter and to frighten the bad spirits away. For months men create their demonic outfits. At first glance in these images, the men appear to be plant-like sculptures but upon closer inspection you realize that they are humans dressed in these outlandish earthly costumes.

She also has an eye for fashion. I’m including some images of her latest catalogue for Urban Outfitters. They really elevated their look with this catalogue. It’s more minimal and sophisticated.


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“Demoniac Babble” captures a yearly pagan ritual in Switzerland where a group of men roam from farm to farm, singing and drinking in celebration for winter and to frighten the bad spirits away. For months men create their demonic outfits.